.th is for Thailand
Registration web site: http://www.thnic.net/
Whois server: whois.thnic.net
Whois web interface: http://www.thnic.net/whois.html
Third Level Domains Registered
ICANN records: http://www.iana.org/root-whois/th.htm
Notes: .ac.th, .co.th, .go.th, .in.th, .mi.th, .net.th, and .or.th registered. Trademark registeration under .co.th is available (no information in English available). if a conflict occurs during the registration procedure, THNIC will hold the process until the case has been settled in a written legal agreement signed by both parties and a court of legal and submitted to THNIC. Prohibitions include sending junke-mail spam from a .th domain.
Domain Registration Rules: