Whois Server .INT - .int Domain Registration Service - .Int Country Domain Registration!

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Country Whois Server Information - Country Domain Registration  Register Domain Names Worldwide - (gTLDs)     

Click on a Top Level Domain below for Further Info

.int is for "International" which is a Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) - Not associated with a country.

Registration web site: http://www.iana.org/int-dom/int.htm
Whois server: whois.isi.edu
Second Level Domains Registered

Notes: The .int domain is used for registering organizations established by international treaties between or among national governments. Only one registration is allowed for each organization. Qualified organizations for domain names under the .int top-level domain are the "specialized agencies" of the UN (currently there are 14 of these) and the organizations having "observer status" at the UN (currently 16).

Domain Registration Rules:


Register International Domains

Back to Country Map

Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) - ICANN Root -

| com | edu | gov | int | mil | net | org |

New gTLDs - ICANN Root -

| aero | biz | coop | info | museum | name | pro |

Open Root Server Configuration (ORSC)


 | shop | mp3 | inc | kids | sport | family | chat | video | club | hola | soc | med | law | travel | game | free | ltd | gmbh | tech | xxx |

Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) ICANN Root






  - A -

ac - Ascension Islands

ad - Andorra

ae - U. Arab Emirates

af - Afghanistan

ag - Antigua/Barbuda

ai - Anguilla

al - Albania

am - Armenia

an - Netherlands Antilles

ao - Angola

aq - Antartica

ar - Argentina

as - American Samoa

at - Austria

au - Australia

aw - Aruba

az - Azerbaijan


  - B -

ba - Bosnia Herzego.

bb - Barbados

bd - Bangladesh

be - Belgium

bf - Burkina Faso

bg - Bulgaria

bh - Bahrain

bi - Burundi

bj - Benin

bm - Bermuda

bn - Bruneo

bo - Bolivia

br - Brazil

bs - Bahamas

bt - Bhutan

bv - Bouvet island

bw - Botswana

by - Belarus

bz - Belize



  - C -

ca - Canada

cc - Cocos Islands

cd - Congo, D. Rep.

cf - Central African R.

cg - Rep. of Congo

ch - Switzerland

ci - Côte d'Ivoire

ck - Cook Islands

cl - Chile

cm - Cameroon

cn - China

co - Colombia

cr - Costa Rica

cu - Cuba

cv - Cape Verde

cx - Christmas Island

cy - Cyprus

cz - Czech Republic

  - D -

de - Germany

dj - Djibouti

dk - Denmark

dm - Dominica

do - Dominican Rep.

dz - Algeria

  - E -

ec - Ecuador

ee - Estonia

eg - Egypt

eh - Western Sahara

er - Eritrea

es - Spain

et - Ethiopia



  - F -

fi- Finland

fj - Fiji

fk - Falkland Islands

fm - Micronesia

fo - Faroe Islands

fr - France

  - G -

ga - Gabon

gb - Great Britain

gd - Grenada

ge - Georgia

gf - French Guyana

gg - Guernsey

gh - Ghana

gi - Gibraltar

gl - Greenland

gm - Gambia

gn - Guinea

gp - Guadeloupe

gq - Equatorial Guinea

gr - Greece

gs - S Georgia Sdw Is.

gt - Guatemala

gu - Guam

gw - Guinea-Bissau

gy - Guyana



  - H -

hk - Hong Kong

hm - Heard McD Is.

hn - Honduras

hr - Croatia/Hrvatska

ht - Haiti

hu -Hungary

  - I -

id - Indonesia

ie - Ireland

il - Israel

im - Isle of Man

io - British Indian O.T.

iq - Iraq

ir - Iran

is - Iceland

it - Italy

  - J -

je - Jersey

jm - Jamaica

jo - Jordan

jp - Japan



  - K -

ke - Kenya

kg - Kyrgyzstan

kh - Cambodia

ki - Kiribati

km - Comoros

kn - St. Kitts & Nevis

kp - North Korea

kr - South Korea

kw - Kuwait

ky - Kayman Is.

kz - Kazakhstan


  - L -

la - Laos

lb - Lebanon

lc - Saint Lucia

li - Liechtenstein

lk - Sri Lanka

lr - Liberia

ls - Lesotho

lt - Lithuania

lu - Luxembourg

lv - Latvia

ly - Libya


  - M -

ma - Morocco

mc - Monaco

md - Moldova

mg - Madagascar

mh - Marshall Is.

mk - Macedonia

ml - Mali

mm - Myanmar(Burma)

mn - Mongolia

mo - Macau

mp - Nth. Mariana Is.

mq - Martinique

mr - Mauritania

ms - Montserrat

mt - Malta

mu - Mauritius

mv - Maldives

mw - Malawi

mx - Mexico

my - Malaysia

mz - Mozambique

  - N -

na - Namibia

nc - New Caledonia

ne - Niger

nf - Norfolk Island

ng - Nigeria

ni - Nicaragua

nl - Netherlands

no - Norway

np - Nepal

nr - Nauru

nu - Niue


  - O -

om - Oman



  - P -

pa - Panama

pe - Peru

pf - French Polynesia

pg - Papua N. Guinea

ph - Philippines

pk - Pakistan

pl - Poland

pm - St Pierre Miquel.

pn - Pitcairn Is.

pr - Puerto Rico

ps - Palestinian Ter.

pt - Portugal

pw - Palau

py - Paraguay


  - Q -

qa - Qatar



  - R -

re - Reunion Is.

ro - Romania

ru - Russian Fed.

rw - Rwanda



  - S -

sa - Saudi Arabia

sb - Solomon Is.

sc - Seychelles

sd - Sudan

se - Sweden

sg - Singapore

sh - St. Helena

si - Slovenia

sj - Svalbard

sk - Slovak Republic

sl - Sierra Leone

sm - San Marino

sn - Senegal

so - Somalia

sr - Suriname

st - Sao To. Principe

sv - El Salvador

sy - Syria

sz - Swaziland



  - T -

tc - Turks & Caicos Is.

td - Chad

tf - French South. Ter.

tg - Togo

th - Thailand

tj - Tajikstan

tk - Tokelau

tm - Turkmenistan

tn - Tunisia

to - Tonga

tp - East Timor

tr - Turkey

tt - Trinidad & Tobago

tv - Tuvalu

tw - Taiwan

tz - Tanzania



  - U -

ua - Ukraine

ug - Uganda

uk - United Kingdom

um - US Minor Is.

us - United States

uy - Uruguay

uz - Uzbekistan



  - V -

va - Vatican City

vc - St Vincent Gren.

ve - Venezuela

vg - British Virgin Is.

vn - Vietnam

vu - Vanuatu

  - W -

wf - Vanuatu

ws - Western Samoa


  - Y -

ye - Yemen

yt - Mayotte

yu - Yugoslavia

  - Z -

za - South Africa

zm - Zambia

zr - Zaire (D.R. Congo)

nz - New Zealand

zw - Zimbabwe







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