.sa is for Saudi Arabia
Registration web site: http://www.saudinic.net.sa/
Whois web interface: http://www.saudinic.net.sa/cgi-bin/whois.cgi
Third Level Domains Registered
ICANN records: http://www.iana.org/root-whois/sa.htm
Notes: .com.sa, .edu.sa, .sch.sa, .med.sa, .gov.sa, .net.sa, .org.sa, and .pub.sa regsitered. The use or registration of the domain name by Applicant does not interfere with or infringe upon the right of any third party in any jurisdiction with respect to trademark, service mark, tradename, company name or any other intellectual property right. Applicant agrees not to register domain names for the purpose of selling them later to other entities. Doing so will result in all domains owned by the violating body to be revoked immediately. A Company registering under .com.sa should provide a valid Commercial Registration (CR) certificate from the Ministry of Commerce. In case the domain name is the name of a product or a mark of that company, then a Trade Mark (TM) certificate is needed in addition to the CR certificate.
Domain Registration Rules: