Domain Name Record Update - Change DNS - DNS Server Update!

Search Fit - Domain Registration


Domain Update

Update your
Domain Name Record
 Today! Change -
 DNS - Ownership
or Registrar!

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Domain Name Record Update Service !


Dear Customer general our Domain Admin. will change your domain record for you , to secure that your record works properly.

 DNS Server Change - Change Admin - Change Address.

 What I need to Change ?   click here we change it for you !    


 Change Ownership of your Domain.

 Change Ownership of your Domain ? Change It !                      


 Change Registrar of your Domain.

 Change Registrar of your Domain ?   Change It !                      


On our experience most customer like this kind of personal service. We are pride ourselves on excellent customer service. Go ahead and give us a call if you have any questions no waiting times we answer the phone with real persons.

Your Domain Record holding following Information:
Registrar: Registrar holding your Domain Name Record
Registrant: Your Company, Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail Address
Administrative: Contact: Name,, Address, Phone,  E-mail Address
Technical: Contact: Name, Address,Phone, E-mail Address
Billing Contact: Normally stays with the Registrar (ant) Address
Primary + Secondary DNS Server: Virtual Address (no IP Address)

Who is able to Change a Domain Record:?
Normally only the Admin. or Tech contact can change the domain record online.
Some Registrar Systems Cary a user name and register key. The owner can change directly the record live on the root routers. Be carefully ! Otherwise your web site is down your changes are wrong !




  Searchfit Inc.
  3638 North Rancho Drive
  Suite 6-S  USA
  Las Vegas NV 89130

  Phone: Toll Free US
  Phone: International
  Fax: 1-760-736-3701
  Fax: 1-702-839-2573

  Copyright © 2004
  All Rights Reserved

Change my Web Hosting Company:
Primary + Secondary DNS Server for example:
           Virtual Address (no IP Address)
Technical Contact:
           Please change also the Technical Contact to your New Hosting Company
           The Tech Contact stays always with Hosting Company otherwise your
           Hoster  is unable to change DNS Changes

Change my Address or E-mail: Change Admin. Contact Change Registrant Address
For all these changes we have to verified your E-mail address
Changes need approx. 24 hours to be in effective

[ Contact or Chat with one of our representatives for more info]







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