Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software - Corporate Shopping Cart Software Solution!

Shopping Cart Solution



Email Filtering - Email Filter
Mail Filtering - Spam Filter
Anti Spam Filter - E-mail
Service - Virus Filtering

Domain Name Solution !
  Free Domain Names available with all
  Generic Domain Name Hosting Accounts



Shopping Cart  - By Engine Placement - Top Ranking ServiceSearch Engine Submission ServiceWeb Hosting ServiceWeb Design ServiceDomain Registration Service


Email Filtering - Email Filter - Spam Filter - Virus Filter
SearchFit the TRUE Online Business Service Solution !


Frequently Asked Questions


Spam Filter

Virus Filter


Black & White Lists




  Searchfit Inc.
  3638 North Rancho Drive
  Suite 6-S  USA
  Las Vegas NV 89130

  Phone: Toll Free US
  Phone: International
  Fax: 1-760-736-3701
  Fax: 1-702-839-2573

  Copyright © 2004
  All Rights Reserved

How much does Spam actually cost your organization?

Number of employees at your Organization:


Average minutes per day an employee spends dealing with:

    A Gartner Group study reveals that a typical office employee spends 49 minutes per day dealing with e-mail. An eMarketer study found that 38% of all corporate e-mail is unsolicited. Based on these two studies, the average employee spends 18.6 minutes each day dealing with junk e-mail.


Average employee hourly rate:


 per hour






Domain Name RegistrationDomain Registration



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© By SearchFit Terms of Use Last Update Sunday, 23 January, 2005




|Search Engine Submission| |Search Engine Placement| |Domain Registration| |Web Hosting| |Web Design|




|Email  Service| |Email Filtering - How It Works| |Spam Email Filtering Filter| |Virus Filter - Virus filtering| |Attachment Filter Attachment Filtering| |Email Content & Policy| |Email - Message Routing| |Email Filtering Reporting| |Email Filtering - FAQ| |Order Email Filtering|