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Email Filtering - Email Filter
Mail Filtering - Spam Filter
Anti Spam Filter - E-mail
Service - Virus Filtering

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Email Filtering - Email Filter - Spam Filter - Virus Filter
SearchFit the TRUE Online Business Service Solution !


Attachment Filter

The attachment filter is positioned to reject messages with certain types of file attachments before they enter your current messaging infrastructure. This feature insures potentially destructive files, such as “.vbs”, “.scr”, “.exe”, etc. do not gain access to the customer's network.

Administrators can add or delete file types as well as file names in order to fine-tune the filter. Messages with blocked attachments are sent to the quarantine for administrative review.





      Searchfit Inc.
      3638 North Rancho Drive
      Suite 6-S  USA
      Las Vegas NV 89130

      Phone: Toll Free US
      Phone: International
      Fax: 1-760-736-3701
      Fax: 1-702-839-2573

      Copyright © 2004
      All Rights Reserved

    How much does Spam actually cost your organization?

    Number of employees at your Organization:


    Average minutes per day an employee spends dealing with:

      A Gartner Group study reveals that a typical office employee spends 49 minutes per day dealing with e-mail. An eMarketer study found that 38% of all corporate e-mail is unsolicited. Based on these two studies, the average employee spends 18.6 minutes each day dealing with junk e-mail.


    Average employee hourly rate:


     per hour






    Domain Name RegistrationDomain Registration



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    © By SearchFit Terms of Use Last Update Sunday, 23 January, 2005




    |Search Engine Submission| |Search Engine Placement| |Domain Registration| |Web Hosting| |Web Design|




    |Email  Service| |Email Filtering - How It Works| |Spam Email Filtering Filter| |Virus Filter - Virus filtering| |Attachment Filter Attachment Filtering| |Email Content & Policy| |Email - Message Routing| |Email Filtering Reporting| |Email Filtering - FAQ| |Order Email Filtering|