.BZ Domain Registration - Register Domain .bz - Belize domain

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.BZ Domain

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.BZ Domain Registration Service ! View Domain Cart
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Domain Name .bz a generic domain designator for people doing business on the Internet “.bz means you are in BUSINESS!.

.BZ Domain Belize


 Country Code:


 Use for:


 Application Fee:


 Maintenance Fee:


 Domains per Applicant




 Sub Domains:



 Local Presence:

not required



 Symbol and Character -->

Domains Available

 Multiple Domains:


 Registration Contract:

2 years

 Registration Fee:

$ 100








The .bz designation will give the entrepreneur an alternative.
Our company in collaboration with strategic partners is planning to offer you Internet solutions including domain name registration, web hosting, co-location servers, DNS services, pop/web-based e-mail and .bz directory services and promotion.
Sincerely Juan Carlos Namis .bz registrar


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